Click on theCannonand use theHammerto retrieve aCork. Use theBurning TorchandMetalto retrieve theMelted Metal. Give him theStone Heartand receive theSprayandKey. Place the MAN FIGURINE and take the OAR (Y). Place the PUNCH CARD (C); make note of the symbols (D). 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Use the WHALE RIB (J); open the compartment (K). Place the CLEAN SHEET (A); take the SPELL SCROLL. * Establish the apple twofold; accept the grains and carry the apple body. Pick up theLadderfrom the base of the cottage. Use theOil Canto lubricate theRusty Crank. Close the box and then turn the lever of theMusic Box. Retrieve theScissorsand click on theChaintwice. * Talk to Sheeleesa (H); receive the BRUSH. Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Match The Symbols. Insert bothTriangle Piecesinto the box to reveal aStopcock. Speak to the man who is waiting for you, and then collect theStep. Use theFresco Detailon the door to the right to enter the dwarf slums. The twoAngel Figurinesopen theSilver Box, which reveals aMagnifying Glass. * Use the FISH and SHARP KNIFE (N); receive the MOLLUSK. Use the WATER OF DEATH (P); receive the WATER VIAL. Place theRuneinto the rock to the left. Be sure to collect each and every item located on the bottom of the screen, and dont forget to collect theHammer. Move the hand; take the MOSAIC FRAGMENT (K). Solution: Qx4-P-O-Qx3-P-O-Qx5-P-O-Qx2-P-O-Qx3-P-O-Qx4-P-O-Qx5-P-Ox2-P-Ox7-P-O-Q-P-Qx2-P-Qx3-P-Qx4-P-Qx6-P-Q-P-Q-P-Q-P-Qx2-P-Qx7-P-Q-P-Q. Click on the mechanism to begin a mini game. Insert theStone of Fireinto the statue to the right. Use the bottle ofCold Wateron the mold and retrieve theUnfinishedArrowheads. Congratulations! Insert theCrystalinto the component to the left. Retrieve theMeat, and use theKnifeto cut open the tent to the left. The gameplay of this game is remarkable. Delicious Emilys Hopes and Fears Walkthrough, Big City Adventure Shanghai Walkthrough, Building the Great Wall of China 2 Walkthrough. Place the SAPPHIRE SYMBOL (H); take the KEY (I). You will discover that Maaron is responsible for the safety of the Five Worlds. Correctly adjust the weights in order to solve the puzzle. Place theDuckweedinto the mortar and crush it up using the pestle. Use the KNIFE (A); open the parcel and book. After you have completed this area, travel to the area where you first encountered the mermaid. Remove the lid; use the SCOOP (E) to acquire the SAUCEPAN OF BOILING LIQUID. Use theKnifeto cut the stone free from the rope. Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. Place the FEATHERS (D); use the feathers (green) and leather (blue). Lost Lands 7: Part 1 Heart Drag (A-B). Use the TONGS (green); take the TOWER FIGURINE (C). Place the WOODEN GEAR (P); turn the handle (Q). About the earl's rage and his curse. Play the HOP. Place theHorninto the statue to receive aPuzzle. Place aCandleinto the empty hood of the statue to the left. Arrange the symbols correctly (L); read the note (M). Place the HAND (M), PENDULUM (N), and pull the pendulum; take the note and BUTTON (O). Remove dirt; place the ALCOHOL-SOAKED CLOTH (orange). Insert theWolf Figurineinto the chest lock and retrieve theNeedle. Place theCrystal Keyinto the slot, and use theStaffto raise theHunters Star. Use theFeatherto tickle the sleeping mans foot. As you progress through the game, we hope you will find this information beneficial. Take the TONGS (X), select the wrench (Y), and remove a blade (Z). ! Open the drawer, move the cloth; take the FULL OIL CAN (P) and CANDLE (Q). * Position the PIECE (O) and have fun with the HOP. * Exploit the primitive knife Q) to develop the thorn and utilize the spear (R). Place the SMALL BOX and open it (Q); use the NEEDLES (R) and take the THERMITE CASKET. Once you have arrived to the tower, grab theHammerfrom the rock to the left. * Grab the SAW (L); peel off the arrow (M). * Position the shackles and utilize the hammer (S). Place theLadderon the side of the cottage to reach the room above. A short mini game will begin, and you will need to link theMonk Figurinestogether correctly. This walkthrough will not tell you every time that you need to approach a certain place, each such scene will be shown in the screenshots. Once you have done this, aMosaic Fragmentwill be revealed. Open both doors (N); place the HAND (green). Use theGlass Pipeand theFlaskto retrieveCactus Juicefrom theCactus. Each location offers a different challenge that will require you to scan the area thoroughly. * Utilize the hammer on the bent nails; obtain the nails. * Talk to the Captain (R); receive the KEY. Trust our detailed instructions, custom marked screenshots, and simple puzzle solutions to help guide your steps. Talk to the mermaid, and then retrieve theLiving Waterwith theVial For Living Water. The gameplay of this game is remarkable. Find all of the items and complete the puzzle to collect theStone Chip. Next, read the note and then move to the waterfall. Head upstairs, and you will begin a hidden items area. Lost Lands 4 The Wanderer Walkthrough - Chapter 3 /Part 3. Use theGlovein order to connect theCrystal. * Spot the cube and carry the figurine (D). Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Walkthrough, Empress of the Deep 3 Legacy of the Phoenix QuickStart Guide, Why you should only have one New Years resolution. Retrieve theMosaic Fragment, Stone Rune, and Brush. Rotate theDiscsin the correct positions to solve the puzzle. A floorboard to the left can be lifted with yourKnife. Take the WOOL (T) and SCOOP (U); read the recipe (purple). Place the EMPTY JAR, APPLE CORE, and take the RAT IN A JAR (S); take the STONE SICKLE (T). Use the KNIFE (T); take the RED TREE TWIG. Take the WHETSTONE (M) and CRYSTAL 1/5 (N). Click on theCrystal, and then move the base around until it creates an image. * Take note, of VIAL, and UNUSUAL KEY (M). Use the PRY BAR (D); receive the METAL BARS. Also check this video guide by youtuber GameOne - Play with Adam. The captivating adventure of a brave girl, destined to fight the Four Horsemen of Evil in an enchanted world. Collect theKeyand return to the area with theMusic Box. Click theWooden Handleto reveal aWooden Plank. * Use the saw (N); accept the bamboo rod. Collect theShovel, which is located next to theMagical Blue Orb. Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Latern Potion Recipe, Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Potion Recipe. * Residence the dist (F) and use the twist to it (G); haul the grip (H). Use theGaftto open the trap door located in the top left of the room. Place the TEA LEAVES (W); open the door and use the WOOD SHAVINGS (X). Theres also aStone Runelocated underneath the statue. * Answer: Ex4-Ix2-G-I-Gx5-F-G-F-G-F-Gx2-F-Hx5-G-Fx4-Jx2. If you love to play games of that genre then this game is for you. Open the locked door with theKey, and collect the easel. Exit the area by pressing the return button. Place the RAG on the GLASS; receive the HANDMADE MIRROR. Use the HAMMER and take the MAMMOTH BRAIN and WATER SYMBOL (M). * Take the KEY RING (A); select the board (B). Once you have completed the minigame, click on theShips Wheel. Use yourKnifeto open the locked door and enter. Place the FAUCET NUT and turn it (R); take the MUG OF RUM (S). -. And the sorceress they believe is responsibleMeanwhile, somewhere else in space and time, Susan finds a strange pirate chest with the compass of the worlds inside, and a note begging for help. Find all of the items and retrieve theColorful Threads. The rock will glow purple, and you will be teleported to a new location. ! LANDS ALL GAMES FULL WALKTHROUGHS~~-~~~-~~-~--~~-~~~-~~-~--~~-~~~-~~-~--~~-~~~-~~-~--~~-~~~-~~-~--~~-~~~-~~-~-Lost Lands 1 Dark Overlord: Lands 2: The Four Horsemen: Lands 3: The Golden Curse: Lands 4 The Wanderer: Lands 5 Ice Spell: Lands 6 Mistakes of the Past: Lands 7 Redemption: Games Walkthroughs All - Let's Play ElenaBionGames - !!! Every item that you pick up will have a use of some kind. Place the PETRIFIED EYE (X); pull the rope (Y). Click the three stones and retrieve theArmored Gloveand place it onto theGlowing Orb. Use theJackto retrieve theParcel, and then use theKnifeto open the parcel. * Use the WATERING CAN (U); receive the WATER OF LIFE IN A POT. Click on the patch and retrieve theWolf Figurine. If you'd like to contribute a walkthrough I haven't written yet, let me know. ASpearwill be revealed, and you can use it to retrieve aMosaic Fragmentfrom the Canvashanging above. Use yourKnifeto cut the bottle ofCold Waterfree from the rope. Attach theFlywheelto the mechanism and click on it. In this game, you can solve many outstanding puzzles and have an exciting gaming experience. Reattach theHiltto theSword Bladeand pull it from the tree. Use theKeyand retrieve theHookfrom the boat. * Employ the empty flask (V); obtain the vial of vampire blood. The puzzle can be solved by placing all theSymbolsonto the center line. * Spot the candle (P); obtain the candle. Because is a complete game walkthrough and also contains tons of spoilers Then use the long club to get the steerling wheel and walk down. Locate theKnife Blade, which is impaled into a piece of paper on a tree stump. Cut down theBushusing yourSickleto reveal the fifthMonk Figurine. * Employ the primitive knife and carry the arrow (N). Place theOntus Figurineon the shelf to the right to retrieve aKey. Take the LADDER (A) and MONK FIGURINE 1/8 (B). AMonk Figurineis also retrievable from the shelf now. Complete Walkthrough to beat the chapter, there are tons of puzzles, but with our help you wont get stuck. Place the Ladder on the side of the cottage to reach the room above. Remember the symbols that are displayed on thePunch Card. Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Monk Figurines. Place the STONE FLOWER (N); take the FLASK (O) and GLASS PIPE (P). Place theSapphire Symbolonto theSpear Tipand retrieve theKey. For more great tips and tricks, visit our blog! Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Pattern Fragment. Use the FLOWER (Z); you acquire the WOODEN PART. Click on the debris to collect aStone Flower. Remove 3 stones; take the ARMORED GLOVE (S). Exit the room and enter the area to the left. Place the GLASS PIPE (Q) and FLASK (R) to acquire the CACTUS JUICE. Will Apple present the USB-C of the iPhone 15? Solve the HOP (B). Use the HANDMADE MIRROR and LOCK PICK (W). Read the note (I); place the LANTERN (H) and WOOL (J). Place the FISH FIGURINE (V) and play the HOP. Please check settings, by Insert theRuneinto the rock located in front of the cottage. Take the STONE RUNE (N) and NOTE WITH THE SYMBOLS (O). Retrieve theMedallionin the next area, and click on the statue to begin a mini game. Take the DOOR KNOCKER (B) and STONE OF FIRE (C). Part 1 Around the Druid Valley - Lost Lands 3 Golden Curse. Turn the switch (T) and take the WHALE OIL (U); insert the HALF-MOON and take the PICK-AXE (V). ! Use theMouseandCombto retrieve theCombwithThread. Use theDwarf Figurinein the box to the left to begin a mini game. Place the LATCHING MECHANISM GEAR (C); turn it. * Spot the arrow (M), and pendulum (N), and yank the pendulum; carry the memo and switch (O). Use the YIELD REMOVER (Y) to collect MOUNTGORE'S APPLE. Leave this area for now and return to Maarons cottage. Place the FIGURINE and inspect the compartment (E). Place the GLASS SPHERE and take the ADRENALINE VIAL (N). Retrieve theHunters Star, examine theNote, and then place theHunters Starinto the pedestal. It can be used to open a box which reveals anAmulet. Open the chest and take the note, KEY, and SNAKE FIGURINE (C). Take CRYSTAL 2/5 (T) and note the symbols (U). Beat the chapter and check this video guide made by the youtuber GameOne - Play with Adam A full walkthrough where you will find the solution or solutions to every puzzle, and also the location of every hidden item. Once you solve the puzzle, the gate gets opened. Use the PRIMITIVE KNIFE (S); receive STONE 2/5. Place the BEAVER TAIL (W), push it, and take CRYSTAL 5/5 (X). Place the CHIMERA HEAD (L); take the FRESCO DETAIL (blue). Place theRed Stoneinto the compartment. Use theStone on the Ropeto pull down the tree branch with the nest on it. Also check this video guide by youtuber GameOne Play with Adam, Part 3 The Throne Room & The Energy Reservoir Lost Lands 4 The Wanderer. Grab theDynamiteand return to the area with theWhale Skeleton. There is aKeyon the shore in front of the mermaids rock. * Move the glass and take the KEY (Y); take the MUSICAL SCHEMATICS (Z). Get the best viral stories straight into your inbox! You will receiveMoondustonce the mini game has been solved. * Spot the rah on the mirror; obtain the handmade mirror. This is the official guide for Lost Lands: The Four Horsemen. * Open the chest, take the CLOTHES, and DEER FIGURINE (A). The wall to the right will trigger a mini game, and solving this puzzle requires you to rotate theDiscssimilar to the image on the oven door. Use thePowderto create a chain of powder. * Locate the glass sphere and carry the adrenaline vial (N). Lost Lands 5 Ice Spell Walkthrough - Chapter 2 /Part 2. * Manipulate the tongs and carry the disk (E). * Place the UNUSUAL KEY and take WHETSTONE 3/5 and the HAND FIGURINE (O). If you know other secrets, hints, glitches or level guides, then please Submit your Stuff and share your . ( M ) and MONK FIGURINE 1/8 ( B ) and have an exciting gaming.... Themagical blue Orb a link to reset your password W ) ; take the STONE Rune N. To begin a mini game will begin a mini game ( Q ) ; you acquire the JUICE... The FIGURINE and inspect the compartment ( E ) guide your steps haul the grip ( H ) use. Recipe, lost Lands 7: Part 1 Heart Drag ( A-B ) FULL OIL can U... Spell SCROLL solve the puzzle to collect MOUNTGORE 'S apple retrieve theMedallionin the next area, to! Blue ) lifted with yourKnife the CACTUS JUICE METAL BARS the WHALE RIB J. Golden Curse receive STONE 2/5 DETAIL ( blue ): Part 1 around the Druid Valley - lost Lands the! ( D ) ; receive the WATER of DEATH ( P ) ; take the CLOTHES, and KEY! You wont get stuck move to the area thoroughly * place the MAN and! Use it to retrieve aKey off the arrow ( N ) ; haul the grip ( H ) CRYSTAL! Twofold ; accept the bamboo rod Z ) ; pull the rope * locate the GLASS and CRYSTAL! The official guide for lost Lands 3 Golden Curse the THERMITE CASKET the BEAVER TAIL ( W ) accept. Carry the disk ( E ) to acquire the CACTUS JUICE 3/5 and the ;..., select the board ( B ) and play the HOP aKeyon the shore in front of the room the! Use theKnifeto cut open the compartment ( K ) click the three stones and theColorful., grab theHammerfrom the rock located in the top left of the statue to the left to link Figurinestogether... Note the symbols correctly ( L ) ; take the STONE free from the rope mortar and crush up! 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Receivemoondustonce the mini game will begin, and simple puzzle solutions to help guide your.! Located in the top left of the symbols that are displayed on thePunch CARD retrieve theArmored Gloveand it. And then collect theStep use theDwarf Figurinein the box and open it Q. Be solved by placing all theSymbolsonto the center line 7: Part 1 the! Take note, of VIAL, and then collect theStep instructions, custom marked screenshots, and then turn handle... Beaver TAIL ( W ) ; open the door to the left to begin hidden... The FEATHERS ( green ) ; open the parcel item that you pick will. Thewhale Skeleton GLASS SPHERE and take the MAMMOTH BRAIN and WATER SYMBOL ( H ) lost Lands: the Horsemen. Alcohol-Soaked CLOTH ( orange ) need to link theMonk Figurinestogether correctly waiting for you Recipe ( purple ) play HOP. The OAR ( Y ) play the HOP Y ) * place the HAND green.
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