The myth of genetic inferiority of people of African ancestry is centuries old, tracing back to when the first slave boat arrived on our shores in 1619 in Jamestown, I cited you the works of Marias Gimbutas one of the leading archeaologists and historians of Europe and you claim the work is discredited. Then I cited you the research works stored on the databases belonging to the National Institue of Health the leading US Health Institute which sets the generally applicable medical and clinical procedures used by all US medical scientists and you say it is discredited. We gonna rule the earth tomorrow with our superior genetic profile and wisdom. Right, they're genetically modified organisms. Actually i,m white not pink ..woof woof woof. In what way do Africans have a superior genetic profile It aint white skin. When did Visigoths get to Rome? The other mutation, present mostly in people from the Middle East and Europe, and estimated to be 5,800 years old, coincided with the development of cities and written language.. MacRitchie a British archeologist also said So late as the tenth century three of these provinces were wholly black and the supreme ruler of them became for a time the paramount king of Transmarine Scotland.We know as ah historical fact tha nigher El Dubh has lived and reigned over certain black divisions of our islands and probably white divisions also and that a race known as the sons the Black succeded him in history.. p. 32. . Now we can look past that and say, Its from this part of Africa or Eurasia.'. more than that of Belgium. By the way, the pink nations of central Asia are so dog poor that you would not want to be associated with your poorer cousins anymore. Ruined it. The so called Grimaldi Negroids never set foot in Britain . We are Rastalivewirewe are electric..we shock and burn! Those are not scientific terminologies. You are a little bit more intelligent than your ** arsehole. The Silures lived in Britain at the time of Ceasars conquest. And remember that the so-called securing of food and water you talk about came through theiving and robbery, murder and pillage, vandalism and rape, kidnapping and enslavement. For example, Native Americans show even less genetic diversity than Europeans, having descended from a few thousand people who entered North America about 10,000 years ago. . 6.Maria Gimbutas is not an archeaologist, let alone a great archeaologist, she is infact an anthropologist, and do some real research and you will see what the current view of her is. If youre ashamed I will provide you a link to the website of the American National Institute of Health so you can read some advantages of melanin (the black molecules) on your brain motor function: Eugenics ( / judnks / yoo-JEN-iks; from Ancient Greek (e) 'good, well', and - (gens) 'come into being, growing') [1] [2] is a fringe set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population. invented the bow. , . A category error. It is treating statements referring to genes as though they are value judgements, rather than factual propositions. This is paten Based upon my reading of the NY Times article, which apparently put a PC spin on things, I concluded that Dr. Lahns research indicated that there are genetic differences between the races which affect brain function. Guess what? Sexual reproduction produces genetically unique offspring, allowing for adaptation. If you knew how to read you would have realized that Dr. Lahn carried out a research comparinig the brains of human beings to those of chimps. People in our modern data age can find anything to their fancy. It has been observed in respect of those graves that they are constructed on similar lines, and the great majority of the skeletons they contain are remarkablefor their uniformity of type. So striking, writes Professor Elliot Smith, is the family likeness between the early Neolithic peoples of the British Isles and the Mediterranean and the bulk of the population, both ancient and modern, of Egypt and East Africa, that the description of the bones of an Early Briton of that remote epoch might apply in all essential details to an inhabitant of Somaliland. (The Ancient Egyptians, p. In addition it is a template of how Real Human Beings ought to live their lives and reveal once and for all that humanity has been living in Hell probably since the first African human made the choice to mate with a Neanderthal Beast. Surprisingly, neither are the residents of Sardinia off the coast of Italy. Stop hating on Africans! Which of these items is named for a deadly weapon. WebIt is a condition that exists as a consequence of multigenerational oppression of Africans and their descendants resulting from centuries of chattel slaverya form of slavery which was predicated on the belief that African Americans were Why did you abandon it and invade foreign land for survival if you had everything going for your inbreeding ases? This is a waste of time if you cannot produce peer reviewed valid authorities in science, or history to back up your misconceived conclusions. The data showed that evolution had continued in recent millennia. Remember Gott mit uns. If you had secured food for (all) your people why did millions emigrate to North America and other parts of the world, why did you ship food from other parts of the world to save your starving assholes, why did millions die of starvation? It is a hybrid language which contains African words, Hindi, Pashtun, Germanic, Polish, Ameri-Indian languages as well as French. Go figure another language like that or with such a history. Hello, WINNING, goodbye, WHINING! One mutation, which according to his estimates arose some 40,000 years ago, coincided with the first art found in caves, the paper observed. Sorry if I hurt your feeling but your rambling does not sound like the product of an educated or sane mind. You do not have the complete book of life. TO GO OUT OF YOUR WAY TO DO ALL THIS IS OF A INFERIOR NATURE LOOKING FOR POWER YOU CANT HANDLE.. WITH ALL THE SETBACKS AND UNCONCIOUSNESS WE FACE PEOPLE OF AFRKAN DESCENT ARE STILL STRIVING. while they have grown in most of the rest of the world. Having said that, why do you even drop to our level to converse with us? The same thing as thinking and assuming genetic superiority. Hitler was the last person that made either or assumptions. How can anyone assume what (PS all naturally living organisms need the Sun) #Imjustsayin, So-called Whites never did survive that frozen tundra; they were so stupid they never even adapted from their carnivorous ways; were it not for the Grimaldi Negro, who taught the last survivors of the Neanderthal extinction to catch fish; and probably had sex with a few Neanderthal women; there would be no White Race. But some of us understand that the Universe is Cause and Consequences and at present Black people are dealing with the sins of our Fathers. Around 15 million Africans were taken to the muslim world where as around 650 thousand Africans were taken as slaves to the US. Get over yourself..virus! . The specific Negroid type originated it is believed in west Africa , and the oldest Negroid skull type is much younger than the earliest caucasian type skull. Modern English bears no similarity with what was spoken by the Anglo Saxons. Where is the virtue in that? when they study cultures around the world Hunza, okinawan, masaai tribes etc. No one takes seriously the idea that there were black people in Britain in Roman times it is pseudo-history steming from desparation.The only skeletons found in ancient Britain are white people. growth reserves, if it can mobilise its human resources and improve its Stinking liar! Previously, weve been able to look at the genome and say, This part is from Africa, this is from Asia,' explained Virginia research Andrew Singleton to Wired News. , . This concept doesnt really exist in biology, rather its a term used by laymen in social contexts to denigrate a specific people group. The idea i people in a rich country. domesticated barley. invented tele communications. Your women are the trash of the world. HIPPOCRATES, SOCRATES AND COUNTLESS GREEKS STUDIED WITH THEM ALONG THE NILE. Genetically inferior - meaning, synonyms, antonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, transcription, definition, phrases, genetically inferior Arabic translation, genetically inferior Bengali translation, genetically inferior Spanish translation, genetically inferior Portuguese translation, genetically inferior Hungarian translation, genetically inferior Ukrainian translation, genetically inferior Turkish translation, genetically inferior Italian translation, genetically inferior Croatian translation, genetically inferior French translation, genetically inferior German translation, genetically inferior Polish translation. The Cornell team hopes to study other population groups in search of similar results. Bullshit you're genetically inferior. English language is a Western Germanic language you ill informed idiot, which after the Norman conquest inherited a lot of Norman french words.The last time i checked the Normans were as white as The Anglo-Saxons, idiot. Shame on you pink fool, shows you lack education. THIS IS WHAT WAS DONE UNDER WHITE SUPREMACY. Considering most people are living through the false conditioned ego/mind, they will either be leaning towards an inferiority complex or a superior Page 70 of Rogers book. Excuse me? You are arguing a losing fallacy. Because many genetically different varieties are available, they can be grown in most of the temperate areas of the United States. #imjustsayin. In these last two regions, the late Soviet Professor Mikhail Gerasimov, a scholar of rare objectivity, identified the Negroid type from skulls found in the Middle Mousterian period.If one bases ones judgment on morphology, the first White appeared only around 20,000 years ago: the Cro-Magnon Man. Too bad. Europeans were the first to weave textiles., You geniuses, as you claim didnt even have speech; Yodlee Hee Hee, can you say Qongqothwane?, genetically superior people would not need to destroy others & their environments to live.. to need these procedures you are in a degenarative state since we have strayed far away from nature and the prescribed nutrition we were to consume. LASIK EYE SURGERY BY DR.PATRICIA BATH(BLACK WOMAN) WebYou are descended from the smartest, strongest, most cunning, resilient lifeforms in the history of life. It's like a genetically engineered plague. Re: any attention from genetically inferior males qualifies as harassment to women. Too bad Neanderthals havent brought much to the table in a long time. The very aboriginal americans - YouTube Video, 13th Century African Coin Found in Australia, The moors of anatolia and aegean islands: Black Turks and, White slaves of Barbados on a sugar plantation: a picture,,,,,%20ak%FEam%20e%F0lendi%5C02.jpg,,, Benin kingdom, Nigeria, 16th17th century, The moorish Medicus ordinarius or Army doctor, White slaves of Barbados on a sugar plantation: a picture story, The moors of anatolia and aegean islands: Black Turks and black Greeks the lausanne treaty 1924. Jahdey roars: When did the Astrogoths get to Andalus? The inferior articular surfaces have the same direction as those of the other cervical vertebrae. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'genetic.' In fact Africans invented more than six writing systems. And the funny thing is, although we are genetically inferior apparently, we have been able to secure things like food and water for all our people. , . Ive experience several stages after first using the internet. Go read a proper book instead of hanging around racist websites. , , . , - , . Genetic evidence shows the majority of Europeans are survivors from the last ice age . The Basques in northeastern Spain and southwestern France may be right to demand their own nation theyre not closely related to anyone else. I gave you a citation for that already. PinkSmythe, I did not make you pink. That suggested brain evolution might have occurred in tandem with important cultural changes. What a load of utter shit jahdey, Europeans did not become so successful because of robbing africans, are you for real?, Africa would be even more backwards then it is today were it not for European involvement in that continent. I have the whole book, you have fragments of it. Even you evil Smythen suggested that it could be Tochurian in central Asia or somewhere near western China. It is more important that you first understand what is causing this feeling of inferiority , mediocrity ,and sense of lacking , so that you get an The bank says the total combined income of 48 countries in Africa is little When it comes to this question about white oppression, I have noticed a peculiar pattern., See Azeri blond beauty queen:,,%20ak%FEam%20e%F0lendi%5C02.jpg, See Uzbek President and his cousin W.Bush: WebYou might call something inferior if its quality isn't as good as another, comparable thing, like that kite that you can't get to fly no matter how fast you run back and forth while your Europeans are thieves who steal and carbon copy everything!!! well henry smith EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT ANCIENT EGYPT WAS BLACK AND THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE STILL LIVES THERE, YOU NEED TO VISIT AND TOUR THE PYRAMID AND THE MUSEUM WHERE YOU WILL SEE ACTUAL LIVE FOOTAGE OF THESE PEOPLE THE ORIGINALS WERE EXTREMELY DARK SKIN CHECK OUT ACUTUAL FOOTAGE DONE BY NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC ETC. Smh. , . Please, everyone read this whole answer before judging too quickly Other people will tell you stuff like youre not inferior, youre perfect Yes, it is. - , - . It is obvious you have an agenda to bring down all non-black and so you are no better than the terrible racist whites you hate so much. Nglish: Translation of genetic for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of genetic for Arabic Speakers. Or, if you like, it is a mark of inferiority in these fields. They were black people. The country that has nothing has everything and the country that has everything has nothing. Dr. Lahn and his team further observed that the new mutations are found most frequently outside of Africa. , nuchal . Actually Africans in Africa are highly intelligent. Go ask them why they made the findings above since Rastalivewire is just the messenger. Africans gave the alphabet to Europe. As would be expected with the out of Africa theory, the researchers found Africans had the greatest amount of genetic diversity, followed in turn by Middle Easterners, then Europeans and South Asians at about equal levels, then East Asians. So therein, the whites or so-called Edomites are the Anti-thesis of your Lords creation! Your are a dumb unevolved apeman and that is saying something, I am so proud and honoured that providence gave me the honour of being born white. Shame on you pink fool, it shows you did not go to school. THE EGYPTIANS(AFRIKANS) CREATED AND WERE THE FIRST TO WEAVE TEXTILES .PURE LINEN FROM FLAX SEEDS. Your types descended from the troglodytes apes of the Russian steepes and western China. invented the combustion engine, the train, car, flying machines ; . Again it all goes to show how irrational, illogical and plain crazy some of you vampires quickly turn into. 1. give your evidence of white people arriving in Europe 400ad. You guys are nothing but petulant, inferior, barbaric, inhumane animalsAll of your achievements are the reason why this world is insanely fucked up today. THE AFRIKANS GAVE TO THE WORLD CIVILIZATION TRUTH, NATURE, RGHTEOUSNESS AND ALL THAT WAS GOOD. WebThe Genetically Deficient Model Stereotyping people of color as deficient in certain desirable attributes -should recognize that average values of different populations tells us nothing about any one individual discovered dna Know that and get real! , . Im more preoccupied with keeping my distance from everyone. HAVE THEY TRULY ADVANCE? , , , . Are you saying white people arent fit to survive in multiple environments? From Africa, something new always springs. Now what is your defence MR. They are not colour coded. It began as a degenerate form of gutter French which was need to communicate with the Normans French ruling class who were the masters of the Anglo-Saxon slaves and serfs. Also, you need to provide citations for your tomfoolery if ever there was such a thing. You lies and whines are inadequate authorities.,2933,331949,00.html. Genetic. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, invented the first writting script, see the vinca pictograghs from south eastern europe the direct ancestor of the sumerian pictograghic writting which later evolved into cuneform ooooo, I think you should double check your so-called facts civilization started in Mesopotamia which a part of Africa. domesticated the horse. TITLE of the article: key phrase GENETICALLY INFERIOR, genetically superior people would not need to destroy others & their environments to live. So what changed to make you guys so inventive, scientific, and glorious? Learn more. How did the sons and daughters of murdering thieves come to see them self as superior to an African. WebToday, the alphas are people who have confidence (something you can develop), not genetics (out of your control). . How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe Editor Emily Brewster clarifies the difference. Africa now accounts for only 1% of the total world economic output and 2% of What did you mean to ask? And so had been his condition since the beginning of time. But, the report says Africa has enormous untapped potential and hidden WebGenetically inferior to whom? R1b is the most common haplo type amongst European men it is of paleolithic origin and is known to have originated in Europe. NAME ONE GOOD THING THAT CAME OUT OF SPLITTING THE ATOM THAT BENEFITTED THE ENTIRE EARTH IN GOODNESS. Your such an ignorant fool, calling ancient Europeans canibals. Now you have said it Mr. Smythe. Welcome to Rasta Livewire John Humewe shock and burn! You cannot reconstruct the face of prehistoric Europeans on the basis of a few broken skull fragments, that is like saying that in forty thousand years from now a scientist uncovers a fragment of a white south african and asumes that is what all africans looked like forty thousand years prior. you learned from others, just as others will learn from you. An old-fashioned rule we can no longer put up with. The article above which is culled from a western owned establishment and written by western scientists is talking about biological and genetic superiority. Destroying the planet you live on, killing your neighbors and harboring disdain is actually a devolution for the human race. Here is the face of those Europeans that lived in Europe until your types came out of Central Asia from your original home near Azerbaijan in 400 AD. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! THESE PEOPLE ARE LIVING TO A 100 WITHOUT EYEGLASSES, ARTHRITIS,ANY HEART ISSUSES, BREATHING ISSUES EITHER, THEY ARE HEALTHIER AND STRONGER THAN PEOPLE HALF THEIR AGE. ), Droid aka Mr. Smythen moans: That fact was reinforced by a larger-scale study, also published in Nature, led by scientists from the Universities of Michigan and Virginia who analyzed genetic samples of 485 individuals scattered around the globe whose DNA is recorded in a French databank. Those men and women were horrid, sub-human alien pink pirates, the truth of which the entire globe can testify with me. All of these events occurred way after the year 300 Anno Domino. English language also is an invented language based on French, different from the barbaric mumblings of your Ugh Tribes from Uzbekistan. The Basques, who live today in the Franco-Catabrian region where the Cro-Magnon was born, would be his descendants; in any case there are many ofthem in the southern region of France., See: You dont HAVE to submit to traditional or toxic standards of masculinity. Jahdey roars: THIS KNOWLEDGE OF TELEPATHY (ESP) IS HIGHLY STUDIED BY ALL OF YOUR INSTITUTIONS, ARMY ETC. I have no idea where you get your information from, but the caucasian European type did not come out of Azerbaijan in 400 AD, are you nuts, what colour do you think the Celts and Germanic tribes were who lived in Europe long before 400 AD? THEY WERE SUPERIOR AND HIGHLY ADVANCED THIS IS THE CULTURE AND THEIR ANCESTORS THAT THE EUROPEAN ENVIED AND DESTROYED IN ORDER TO RECREATE AND USE METHODS TO COMMUNICATE LIKE THE TELEPHONE VIA WIRES. Dont act like you can define a negro, muchless a HUMAN. And inferior in different ways because of this but one is not better than the other., Even today, researchers can find a correlation, on average, between peoples brain size and their IQ. Tacitus did not say the original inhabitants of Britain were black, he infact said they had red hair and spoke a language similar to that in Gaul i.e Celtic. Your such an ignorant ass hole, i suppose you have nothing to counter my arguments so name calling is the only response. Oh boy, you really are the embodiment of stupid. ha ha ha. Greek mythology came from Africa. That is true, a black friend once told me that black people were superior but black countries are poor because white people oppress them. Look, whites have conquered and successfully thrived on mountain ranges, frozen tundras, marshland, grassland, deserts and the Mediterranean. THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF WHITE EUROPEANS ARE REALLY DESTRUCTION IF ONLY YOU KNOW TRUTH. Only a sicker and more unfit tiger kills and eats its kind. What the data didnt say was how the mutations were advantageous. We answerers simply dont know that. The Vandals were a European tribe in the classical age, not all of god damned Europe, I hope to God you dont live in a white country you arrogant ignorant prick. <<< This is the mindset you should have in It has nothing to do with intelligence or what our race has accomplished despite this genetic inferiority. If youre ashamed It's a hard reality, I have experienced that some people are born with gifts almost right away that's why you see 3 year olds that can speak many l Webgenetically inferior definitionwhere does jimmy and jane barnes live. They have long been the most intensively studied model organisms, and were among the first life - forms to be genetically sequenced. . My only friends would be my genetically engineered monkey butler and the little people I hired to be my living chess set. Jahdey replies: Below is an excerpt in which I highlight the important conclusion: In recent years, Dr. Lahn has become interested in why the human brain is so large and complex. . Nina Jablonski a European scientist, described the colour of European skin as pink or yellowish pink. Education, medical care, and other public services were segregated, and those available to Black people were inferior . Melannin Blacky jahdee confers no advantage in the realm of inteligence, this again is pseudo science of the kind we come to expect from blackies such as yourself. A new report by the World Bank says many African countries are worse off now It will blow your mind how far advanced Africans were before their fall. It will likely not pass on its genes. Google up Uzbekistanis and Azeris so you can view your cousins from the Steppes and recall once more the cold and unmerciful land of your nativity. 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